We set off in the Zodiacs shortly after sunrise to explore some lovely little islets along the coast of Floreana Island. Although I have worked in Galapagos for 21 years as a naturalist, I have never had a more exciting Zodiac cruise than the one we had this morning! We spied a humpback cow and calf breaching not far from shore so we raced out to join them and spent the next half hour cruising along beside as the pair spouted and dove and swam effortlessly just ahead of our zodiacs. WOW!! One of the reasons I have never tired of exploring these magical islands is that some new, fabulous experience or sighting seems to wait around every corner.

Of course, we didn't have our digital camera with us when the whales were breaching.... but when we returned to the ship in the late morning we found a fantastic traditional Ecuadorian meal spread out for us and so today's photo features that succulent feast.