We haven't yet taken the time to introduce ourselves to you, and after this fantastic week and very successful voyage we decided to take a picture of our naturalist team during the farewell cocktail party. From right to left we are:

Lucho Verdesoto, a marine biologist by training, but he loves invertebrates of both the land and the sea.

Daniel Sanchez (one of our "endemic" naturalists - i.e. born in the Galapagos) is also a marine biologist and what he likes best is snorkeling with sea turtles, marine iguanas and penguins... he swam with all of these species this week!

Lynn Fowler has a doctorate in zoology, has been working in Galapagos for 22 years and loves tortoises (she lived on Alcedo Volcano for over a year and studied them!) and the stars.

Antonio Adrian, who has studied natural sciences in England and once dropped out of medical school just like Darwin, chose Galapagos for his continuing education. He is particularly interested in astronomy, botany and the theory of evolution. His nickname is "Mola mola" - the pelagic sunfish.

Paula Tagle is our geologist, but in addition to a keen interest in the volcanoes of this archipelago, she loves the outlandish human history of the islands.

William Lopez-Forment was on board as our guest this week and he is a botanist and mammalogist from Mexico. Notice the happy smiles on all our faces; this is a wonderful place to live and work!