When one is optimistic about the future, one can smile. We share the certainty that Galapagos has a good future.

For a recent meeting of the board of the Galapagos Conservation Fund, we had a number of special visitors. From Lindblad Special Expeditions there were Sven Lindblad, president and owner; Juan Flaim, Director for Latin America; and Tom O'Brien, Director of Environmental Affairs. Also visiting were Tui De Roy, professional photographer and writer; Miguel Cifuentes, World Wildlife Director for Latin America; and Craig McFarland, formerly Director of the Charles Darwin Research Station and Charles Darwin Foundation, and currently a worldwide environmental consultant. They were joined by Roz Cameron, who directs public relations for the Charles Darwin Research Station.

These are people who believe that visitors to Galapagos can be the leading force for the conservation and preservation in the islands. We gathered in the lounge to listen to our special guests, and as the evening continued, the atmosphere became richer with dreams, hopes, and ideas. We feel a part of this big project, and we all feel proud of what a caring person can do, and what a caring company can accomplish.

It is not by chance that the islands are so well preserved. It is a consequence of actions by people who aren't afraid to get involved.

The photo shows:

Top row, left to right: Tom O'Brien, Tui De Roy, Sven Lindblad, Craig McFarland and Roz Cameron.
Seated, left to right: Juan Flaim, Miguel Cifuentes.