Male magnificent frigatebirds extending their pouches, blue-footed boobies nesting, sea lions nursing, yellow warblers decorating holy trees, that was our Christmas setting today.

We saw land iguanas in the morning and at noon we sailed around Daphne Major, the Grants' laboratory of evolution. Jonathan Weiner was at the bow, looking at the tiny islet where he had met Peter and Rosemary Grant. He was excited to be back for the first time in almost 10 years, and so were we! He spoke with such passion that some of us nearly cried. We all saw so much today and felt so involved!

We were at North Seymour Island for a spectacular sunset. The orange and the blue of the skies and ocean were combined with our thoughts of peace and communion with nature. P>That is how we spent Christmas on board the Polaris. This is the Merry Christmas we wish you all, our family and friends around the world: Merry Christmas experiencing the joy of nature.