Punta Suarez, Espanola Island:

If I could find words, sounds, signals for describing Waves, Tranquility, Silence, Peacefulness, Lava, Heat... if I could just find a way to tell you what exactly it is to be there, walking among those creatures that know very little about fearif I just could.

The only thing I can do is to show you this male marine iguana in breeding colors. He is facing our ship, the blue and white Polaris that brings us to Española every Sunday on every week. The island changes, there is always something new to discover and to learn about, but the feelings are the same.

You set foot on Galapagos and you feel love. It is the "whole" that absorbs you and it is you who absorb the "whole." We feel we belong to this planet Earth, that we are part of the greens and the blues and the blacks of the landscape. That certainty is something one can perceive, but hardly describe in words.