Fernandina is one of Galapagos´ jewels. It is one the world´s most pristine islands! To visit this island is more than a treat, it´s a privilege because of the small number of people that get to go there.

This afternoon we took our Zodiacs and admired the penguins, flightless cormorants and many other animals which are commonly seen in this area. As we approached the jetty, sea turtles popped out their heads as if they we welcoming us.

Our trail took us through a combination of sand and lava. Punta Ezpinoza (the name of the visiting site) was lifted up from the ocean bed some 26 years ago, and it is for this reason we encountered many rocky shores, where we saw a few wading birds like this whimbrel, which is a common vistor in the islands. It is usually found all year long, but numbers tend to decrease from May to July, when most go to the Arctic to breed.