The Galapagos Archipelago is such a timeless, magical place, that it is often forgotten that it actually belongs to Ecuador, a country that is truly to be commended for its efforts in the conservation of these islands, in the face of difficulties of its own.

As we hit the inhabited areas, however, we definitely get a feel for this country, in the smiling, friendly people, and the relaxed atmosphere. Because the archipelago was not colonized until very late on, at the beginning of the twentieth century, it has a budding culture that is heavily influenced by the groups of people who moved here. Many different styles of Ecuadorian art and music have merged here, though the most marked influence is that of the Andes, with its traditional costumes and beautiful, haunting music.

An important part of traveling is contact with local foods and cultures, and during the trip we had the chance to sample local cuisine with our Ecuadorian buffet, as well as music. Wednesday night, a group of local musicians came on board to perform, and no one enjoyed the show more than our young guest in the picture, who has most definitely discovered his vocation!