Last night I had a dream... that today we saw fifteen blue whales breaching all at the same time, while the five volcanoes on Isabela Island were erupting and blasting all together... and then, Captain Nemo of the Nautilus appeared and navigated towards us at a speed of forty knots, forcing us to maneuver quickly. We watched in awe as he, in his newly painted yellow submarine, crushed against the Ecuatorial line, sinking vertically. Still the whales leapt one final time before the Polaris entered a vortex (that obeyed the Coreolis Effect: a counter-clockwise spinning) which forced all the guests to sit on the right side of their chairs for a while. That was the morning...

The reality proved less eventful though still most enjoyable!

After lunch things settled down a little bit and we anchored off Fernandina Island. Some of our guests enjoyed this close view of an endemic lava heron as it caught tiny fish.