Genovesa Island

After an incredible morning, the afternoon took us to a site known as Prince Philips Steps. The number of birds in, by and on the cliffs is magnificent. Frigate birds delighted us as they courted to the females, red footed boobies building their nests caught our interest and of course the Nazca boobies were also very active.

The Galapagos has a subtropical climate. By this, we refer that here in the islands the season varies during the year. From December to May, the weather is warm as the Panama Flow strongly bathes the islands and the result is short tropical showers. It is during this season that the ground birds, land iguanas and giant tortoises breed. The abundance of food resources such as seeds, flowers, fruits and foliage are taken in consideration by these animals, and as a result they reproduce. On the other hand, during the cool dry season which, we are now entering into, the marine wildlife breeds. From May to December the Humboldt Current becomes very important around our islands because of its nutrient rich cold water. Therefore it is this month that marks the beginning of the cool season and of course all the marine birds begin to breed. Today's picture denotes that the season has started and that from now on, it will be baby boobies every where. During the afternoon walk we sighted an egg that had just hatched! "Welcome baby booby, I´m looking forward into seeing you every week and hope you grow to a healthy and strong bird".