Isabela and Fernandina Islands

We had a very exciting and spectacular day on the western side of the islands. Early in the morning we went around Roca Redonda and encountered a myriad of sea birds flying and feeding together around this rock. There were so many blue-footed boobies, Nazca boobies and lots of Audubon shearwaters feeding right on the surface. We also found red-billed tropic birds flying in front of our ship and their acrobatic maneuvers surprised all of us. Frigate birds were waiting for a chance to steal some fish from the boobies.

During breakfast a pod of common dolphins was spotted by our officers on the bridge and we approached them; what a great opportunity to see these cetaceans and enjoy their company for a few minutes!

Once we arrived to Punta Vicente Roca on the Northern tip of Isabela Island we took our Zodiacs and had the most exciting ride. We found many ocean sun fish (Mola mola), and an immense group of blue-footed boobies and brown pelicans in a feeding frenzy all around us. Sea turtles were incredibly friendly as well. What an experience!

The afternoon was nice too. We went snorkeling, and Pacific green sea turtles were feeding all over the place, not seeming to care about us. Then we came back to the ship to get ready for our walk on Fernandina Island.

Punta Espinoza, on Fernandina Island, has always been one of the most beautiful places here in Galápagos and also the most pristine, since it doesn’t have any alien species and the beauty of the young looking lava flows is outstanding.

This time of year flightless cormorants are nesting very close to the trail and their babies are starting to walk around, constantly begging their parents for food.

This was so far one of those days when you can see everything on one day of exploration; it was like a dream coming true!