Floreana Island

Last night, with the gentle motion of some waves, we traveled to the island of Floreana. The early morning wake up call, as well as the promise of visiting one of the most historical places in the Galápagos, was taken with a lot of excitement. The post office barrel, located at the very famous Post Office Bay, was erected in the late 1700s. The main purpose of the barrel has been to link this area with the families of the crew on board of the whaling ships around the Pacific until last century. Nowadays the purpose has changed into a much more friendly-oriented system. The post office is a timeless place, where our guests were transported to the past century to see and do what the Captains of the whaling ships once did. They collected the post cards left by other ships and (hopefully), as the tradition said, hand deliver them!

After our well deserved breakfast, the bridge officers made the announcement of “whales” and, with a little bit of a rush, we all found ourselves at the outside decks for a better view of them. The hurry was worth it since we all got a nice look at what we identified as Bryde’s whales.

Shortly after anchoring off shore of Champion Island, we left the ship for our snorkeling outing. What a place! We all had a great experience with sea lions in a nice, calm and clear water bay. The water felt just a little cold and we all wanted to stay with the sea lions for as long as we could but, by the time we were done, we all looked like the closest mammal-relatives to the blue footed boobies! Back on board we were happy with the experience and I have to admit that the hot chocolate that Willy had set up for us in reception tasted better than ever!

The afternoon was just as beautiful as the morning. Clouds were nowhere to be seen and the ambient temperature was extremely comfortable. The walk alongside the brackish lagoon provides us with a close look at the flamingoes found here in Galápagos.

Everybody is happy, everybody is excited: it was another fabulous day in paradise…