Santa Cruz Island

A new day begins in the Galápagos Islands. The break of day finds us on our way to Santa Cruz Island. We have left Fernandina behind, one hundred and twenty miles away from us, to enter Academy Bay and anchor in front of the bustling town of Puerto Ayora.

We can distinguish the higher elevations of the island, crowned by greenery. The humid highlands collect moisture dropped by the southern trade winds; therefore it is a haven for bushes, trees, ferns and all kinds of epiphytes. The highlands promise tortoises, dozens of tortoises in the wild, and promise birds, new species of Darwin’s finches, and hopefully the colorful vermillion flycatcher as well.

We wake up with energy, good thoughts, and the certainty that all that Santa Cruz has to offer, we will see and we’ll enjoy…Twelve hours later, the setting sun finds us riding the Zodiacs back to the Polaris. We thoroughly enjoyed what we came to see. Our expectations were fulfilled; are hearts are glad.