Genovesa Island

We had a new guest on our voyage this morning. It landed straight on the Zodiac that was departing from the beach headed toward the deep water snorkeling area. The visitor was a brown pelican. As pelicans are plunge divers, this one may have wanted to do some swimming with the Polaris guests as well. Whatever the reason was, there was a pelican in our boat, and it didn’t mind having people around. He was very comfortable with us all, ready to lead the outing.

This happened while we were visiting the “Bird Island,” Genovesa. We saw many other species of birds as well. The frigates were nesting, flying, landing, and feeding. Their entire life cycle was in action in front of our eyes! In addition we found red-footed boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, Galápagos mockingbirds and lava gulls.

In the afternoon we spotted four short-eared owls! This is a Polaris record for the year. Today’s weather was just perfect, sunny and breezy, and with joy in our hearts we returned to the ship at the end of the afternoon, and enjoyed the sunset from our home away from home.