Isabela and Fernandina Islands

Today was a very busy but rewarding day: Mola Mola day (see picture). We started very early with a wake up call from our expedition leader Paula at 6:30 AM. She wanted to make sure we would all be up to see the remote outcrop of Roca Redonda, which was a very foggy view, but we believed her when she said it was there. Then after another big breakfast, we all gathered on deck for our crossing of the Equator; for which we all received certificates suitable for framing. Then it was off for a Zodiac cruise that was not disappointing to anyone. It wasn’t long after departing in the Zodiacs that we encountered large groupings of dolphins and pilot whales. It was an awesome spectacle to see them swimming alongside our Zodiacs. Every now and then we got to see them breaching the surface. We all had many picture-taking opportunities. Also, one cannot forget the subject of our picture, the elusive Mola Mola fish.

After lunch we headed out on our snorkeling trip. After the first initial shock of the noticeably colder water, we all began to make our way around Punta Espinosa in the search for sea turtles and penguins. Some in our group saw sea turtles and even sting rays, but no one missed the penguins.

Later in the afternoon, we took another Zodiac ride to search for more penguins, which we found, and then it was off to explore Punta Espinosa on land. It was here that we saw amazing formations of ropy lava. Living on Punta Espinosa were sea lions and lots of marine iguanas.

It was then back to the ship, and an end to an exciting, full day of discovery.