Floreana and Isabela Islands

We spent a great day on these beautiful islands! Praising commentaries filled with joy and genuine amazement were the topic today. Many diverse activities satisfied the most demanding expectations. Snorkeling in the morning around Champion Island was simply spectacular. It was one of the best we have had lately. Playful sea lions and thousands of colourful fish were seen in clear, warm waters.

In the afternoon we visited the town of Puerto Villamil, capital of Isabela Island. Today this town seemed more lively and colourful than other days. Partly because many people were found on the streets, music was heard all over, and you could even see that today the town was dressed for its festivities! In summary, this small city was celebrating a local holyday. We were extremely lucky to be here today and had the chance to experience the Galápagos Islands and its local inhabitants in such a different and interesting way. One of the main attractions of this place is without a doubt the giant tortoises’ breeding center. The main facilities are located nearby the town, and here we could admire the titanic efforts that the Galápagos National Park, as the most representative local institution, is doing to protect these majestic reptiles. As we spent the rest of the afternoon exploring some brackish water lagoons and the town itself, we returned to the ship pretty late in the afternoon, almost at the edge of sunset! We came back on board with our hearts and minds filled with unforgettable experiences, and we were not surprised because after all, that is what Galápagos is all about…