Santa Cruz Island

It’s time to visit the Island of Santa Cruz!

Everyone’s expectations were focused towards The Charles Darwin Research Station visit. This place happens to be one of the most famous institutions around the world, not only because of the conservation efforts carried out on the islands themselves, but also because of the breeding center facilities, where our guests had the opportunity to have a closer look of these gigantic reptiles and their babies.

Our morning started with a lovely breakfast, followed by disembarkation at the Galápagos National Park dock. The beginning of the walk took us through a beautiful mangrove forest. After a short walk, we made it to the main corrals where some of the adult giant tortoises impressed us with their size and longevity. Some of them are estimated to go far beyond a hundred years…impressive isn’t it?

Right after the visit at the corrals, our guests decided to help the town’s economy by wandering in the city and headed to the various shops that Puerto Ayora has. It was great to see how after the shopping time, everyone looked slightly different, wearing some of the jewelry and t-shirts with the paintings of the Galápagos animals.

Time flies when you are having fun and shopping, so in no time, we were already heading to the highlands of Santa Cruz for a delicious lunch. The restaurant was pretty and had swimming and volleyball court facilities, so everyone had plenty of fun! Once we had lunch, we boarded the buses back to head to our last destination for the day, giant tortoises in the wild!

We had a great view of these slow herbivores unhurriedly pulling off grass, while others were just simply heading to wallow in the muddy areas.

By the end of the afternoon we got in the Zodiacs, enjoying a sun setting on the western reddening sky. It doesn’t sound like a bad day, does it?