Bartolome and Santiago

The whole day has been really intense and full of wonder. In the morning we woke up early, and even before breakfast, we started the hike up to the top of Bartholomew Island. After only few hundred yards from the landing dock, 372 wooden steps were waiting for us to take us almost 400 feet above the sea level.

This indeed is a “dream-like” volcanic landscape. The surface of this little island is covered by spectacular splatter cones of different dimensions and forms, all of this surrounded by a turquoise-blue ocean. While we were climbing up to the top, it seemed like we were transported back in time. We couldn’t help but think of histories like “Master and Commander,” imagining a British Vessel anchored at Sullivan’s bay and Pirates’ Galleons with their sails up, navigating along the coastline of the island. Soon after arriving to the summit of the island, we were transported through time again, this occasion to the future, because it seemed like we were now walking on the moon’s surface.

This almost unreal scenery was the first experience of the day. Later in the morning we landed on a golden beach. This time we headed for a short walk over the sand dunes to look for hungry baby pelicans and to explore the green see turtles’ nesting grounds. The water was very inviting and warm, so we explored this marine area through masks and snorkels. It was such a great snorkeling outing! All kinds of fish surrounded us: sea stars, rays and a whole new underwater landscape to enjoy.

The trip to Santiago Island took us a couple of hours of sailing. Once anchored, almost everybody got ready for the last excursion of the week. Snorkeling combined with a walk along the coastline of Santiago made the perfect ending for such a perfect week. It was nice to see one more time marine iguanas basking on the rocks, birds flying on the horizon and the fur sea lions sleeping at the “grottos.” All these creatures today and during this week showed us the serenity of this Enchanted Islands.