Genovesa Island

This is my favourite time of the year to visit Genovesa Island. The reason: great frigate birds are breeding! That’s why the island is an amazing display of red gular pouches, the pouches of the males that sit on the bushes and try to look their best to attract the females in flight. We saw that, and we also saw many red-footed boobies and lots of swallow-tailed gulls. Genovesa has the smallest marine iguanas of the Galápagos and is one of our pristine places in this archipelago, without any introduced species. So there are many reasons for liking this island, and for preferring it this time of year. Of course, it is always beautiful, but the frigate courtship makes it even nicer. The snorkeling was quite outstanding. People enjoyed swimming in this warmer water, and loved to see the colourful parrot fish and Moorish idols. The star of the morning was this baby sea lion that played with some of our youngest guests on board: Art, Lindi and Chris. Chris and Lindi are the winners of “Endurance,” a Discovery Kids reality show, and their big prize was this one trip, given to them by Lindblad Expeditions.

The afternoon found us at Prince Phillip’s steps, where we had a good view of the elusive short-eared owl and the many Nazca boobies. Barbecue dinner was one of the highlights of the day. We all met on the teak deck and had a wonderful dinner under the moon light.