Floreana and Isabela Islands

Today we started our visit with an amazing outing to Post Office Bay and “La Loberia,” a magical place where one can find many different species of birds and lots of Galápagos sea lions. During this excursion we went through crystal clear waters around this little islet covered with big prickly pear cactus and mangroves, this is home for several little birds as Darwin finches and yellow warblers.

After this Zodiac ride we went to the very historical Post Office bay where there is this interesting wooden barrel, used for many visitors to leave their postcards and letters that will be taken and eventually hand delivered by other people, all of this done to continue with an ancient whaling tradition. This tradition started in the late 1700s by some whalers that had no other meanings of communication with their beloved ones and left the letters in a barrel so the sailors on their way home would take them and hand deliver them.

After we ended with this outstanding visit we came aboard to have a well deserved breakfast. Once we got our energies back we headed towards one of the most spectacular snorkeling areas in the archipelago, Champion islet. The seas around this place are full of fishes of different kinds, sharks, rays, and Galápagos sea lions that were extremely cooperative. Many of our guests were surprised by these curious animals; some even became their snorkeling buddies and swam with them for some time. Several of our guests also went to the glass bottom boat and had a lot of fun observing the wild life under the boat and up on the islet.

Our outing this afternoon on the town of Puerto Villamil on Isabela Island was very relaxing and full of different activities for everyone, some went for a long walk, while others took the medium or the short walk, but at the end we all observed Galápagos giant tortoises, greater flamingoes, and lots of sea birds flying around this little port. We came to the ship after our excursion with nice memories and some with some post cards to deliver…