Santa Cruz Island

We spent the whole day in the home island of the Charles Darwin Research Station and the Galápagos National Park Service. Our main goal today was to learn a bit more about the protection, conservation and restoration efforts done on the different islands by these two organizations. One of the programs that makes us proud is the breeding in captivity for tortoises from different islands, each being a different morphotype. Among them we found lonesome George, which is the last specimen of a race from Pinta Island. He is not alone any more, as he shares a private corral with two females from Wolf volcano, Isabela Island. In the afternoon we searched for tortoises in the wild. We went to a place with easy access to their natural habitat, and indeed we found several of them: some were taking a siesta while others were feeding on different kinds of fruits and leaves found up in the highlands. At night we celebrated another successful day in the Galápagos with musicians from Puerto Ayora that played both their own compositions as music from the coast and the highlands of Ecuador.