Part of the fun of leading an expedition is making last-minute changes in our plans in response to weather or wildlife sightings. This morning we awoke to find fog and mist in Icy Strait. It was a mystical scene. However, the limited visibility made it challenging to find wildlife. Luckily for us -- the wildlife found us.

As the Sea Bird sliced silently through the fog in Idaho Inlet along the northern coast of Chichagof Island, sea otters swam on their backs close to the ship. As we emerged out on deck following breakfast, several groups of otters frolicked in the water ahead of the ship. After spending over an hour watching their antics, on the spur of the moment we decided to head for Elfin Cove, a tiny fishing village. By 11 AM Zodiacs were shuttling us to shore.

We made our landing at a floating dock where fishing boats were tied up for the day, waiting to return to sea for their next catch of salmon. Elfin Cove is a unique place. There are no roads, and therefore no cars or trucks. The "streets" of the town are simply a boardwalk. Fisherman walked by, wearing their boots and rubber overalls, returning from the small general store with supplies.

It took us less than an hour to explore every nook and cranny of this quaint seaside town. By the time we returned to the ship, the crew had prepared a lavish barbecue lunch on shore at a nearby island.

Spontaneity is one of the keys to an expedition!