The Sea Bird is in Frederick Sound today. The high point of the day is taking Zodiac tours of the giant icebergs from LeConte glacier. These floating "ice mountains" lived up to their name, because they are huge. Several of them are over twenty feet high above the water, with another two hundred feet of invisible ice below the water. One of these giant icebergs makes a loud thunderous noise and then slowly breaks into two, with the smaller section turning almost completely over! There are also little icebergs, called bergy bits, which are all around us. They are small enough for us to reach down into the water and to lift into the Zodiac. We even bring one back to the Sea Bird in order to use it as a natural "ice sculpture" for the ship's lounge.

There are bird-like calls coming from young harbor seals in the water. They were born earlier this summer on top of icebergs farther in the fjord. We watch them look at us until they sink slowly into the green water between the icebergs.

Earlier today, we stopped in the small fishing town of Petersburg. Most of us went on a nature hike to a muskeg bog, where we saw unusual plants such as the sundew and bog orchid. Many of us went flightseeing on this gorgeous day to see the LeConte glacier, with its thousands of crevasses and abrupt end where icebergs fall into the fjord with a splash.