Tracy Arm

Rising above the surrounding mountains, a solstice sun greets the Sea Bird. This voyage of discovery has taken us to the headwaters of a deep winding fjord known as Tracy Arm. Here we meet the maker of this great gorge; a gargantuan gleaming glacier named Sawyer. Like the sound of distant cannon fire, frozen blocks spill from the glacier’s face into the blue waters. These drifting bergs then provide pupping sites for harbor seals and roosts for mew gulls. Overhead Artic terns scream and then dive toward the icy waters.

In the afternoon, the Sea Bird anchors at the mouth of Tracy Arm in Williams Cove. Walkers take to the beaches to enjoy the 80 degree day. Kayakers also take to the sea to paddle among the statues of ice. During these sojourns, we discuss the DOs and DON’Ts of recreating among the icebergs.
  • Icebergs can be hazardous when they roll. Keep your distance while kayaking (however bear spray is not recommended.)
  • Do not get between a mother ice berg and her bergy-bits.
  • Icebergs found at the head of fjords are not attempting to swim up river to spawn!
  • Most importantly: enjoy yourselves and celebrate the wild beauty on this longest day of the year!