Los Islotes and Isla Espirtu Santo

We were lulled by the gentle roll of our Sea Bird cradle to stay in bed and continue our night of fitful snoozing. But dawn was breaking and out on deck the barking calls of California sea lions echoed off the frosty cliffs of Los Islotes. Wearing artificial layers of blubber, in the colorful form of purple and blue wetsuits, some of our more intrepid guests chose to join the sea lions in their aquatic realm. The flexible, svelte bodies of the sea lions twirled around, under and over us. We were clumsy flippered clowns in comparison as we ogled and bobbed at the waters surface.

Using the bow of the Sea Bird as our viewing platform, we used our binoculars to scan the small islet for blue-footed boobies, brown boobies and a cryptic great blue heron standing motionless in a small cave near some ficus trees. The bird that stole the show, however, came careening across the sky, pursued and harassed by a raven. It was a magnificent peregrine falcon! This bird made several passes in front of us and then seemed to hang motionless in the sky while it rode on the lift created by the northerly winds hitting the islet.

Our afternoon plans were changed only slightly by the continuing breeze and resulting sea swells. Punta Dispensa, in the protected lee of Isla Espirtu Santo became our playground for the afternoon and evening. Kayakers were launched into the turquoise bay to paddle about and explore the coastline. Walkers navigated around the hazards of sharp-ended agave leaves and bristly cacti as they explored the desert flora. A multitude of shells, coral bits and skeleton parts, washed up and deposited along the edge of the sea, offered an opportunity for speculation and reassembly of creatures.

The low clouds to the west held promise of a spectacular sunset. We share this with you in the photo above, and as you can see, we were not disappointed. This was also the backdrop for our dinner on the beach. Nestled in beach chairs or in the soft sand, with a star filled sky above us and a warm bon fire crackling at our feet, murmurings of conversation could be heard of a reluctance to return home. Paradise had been found.