Magdalena Bay

What does baby whale baleen feel like? How hard is it to pick the lice off a whale? How close will a whale come to you? Will a whale let you feel its tongue? Some of these questions seem a bit incredulous, but they mirror our experiences today in Magdalena Bay. We may never know all the answers. Over the past two days, we have had experiences that give pause for reflection. The following are reflections shared by some of our guests aboard the Sea Bird as we travel in Baja California Sur.

Grey Whales
By Selina Petschek, age 12

As I boarded a Zodiac to go whale watching, I could feel a surge of excitement zapping through me. We started out. Pretty soon we started seeing mothers and calves, singles, and even a courting couple. One mother and calf pair we saw was quite friendly, so I got a chance to feel the calf! The calf let me pet her nose, and then she sprayed me in the face!

“I Was Touched By A Whale”
By Judy Fox

Seeing whales up close and actually touching a mother and her calf was such a moving experience for me! I was moved to tears right after the first encounter. This was an experience I’ve been longing for for years and never believed it would actually happen.

After returning to the ship, I felt strangely emotional. I took some quiet time on the deck to sort out my feelings. I realized I was feeling profoundly touched that animals that incredible, that coveted, that mysterious would choose to share themselves with us humans, even after one sorry history with them over the centuries. Either they have forgotten or forgiven, or perhaps both. I was again reminded that we are all – humans, animals, one planet - truly one.

P.S. The news that we are granted one last opportunity to experience these glorious creatures in the morning turned my somewhat morose mood into joy. Thank you!

An Ode to Baby Baleen

By Ruthanne Jaffe Birnbaum

I traveled thousands of miles to see you in the waters of Magdalena,
And like I was promised,
You came to greet me - large, gray, and serene.
You lay on top of the water,
Your massive eye so close, waiting like my pussy cat at home, for me to come and stroke.
I gently scratched your head and ears as if you were my cat, while you purred and rolled under the water, thousands of pounds larger, but also with no fears.
You opened your mouth and closed your eye, looking up so content at me and the great blue sky.
I wish I could bring you back home with me, but I guess that can never be.
Instead you will forever live in my memory.
Oh, Baby Baleen, my gray whale, my friend.