Isla San Jose

The morning found us watching for marine life traveling south with the wind blowing from the north. We were heading to our afternoon destination on Isla San Jose.

During our morning, while looking for marine mammals out on the bow, Octavio gave a presentation about the interactions between sea lions and humans. He discussed the observations and recreation in some islands inside the Gulf of California, such as San Pedro Nolasco and Los Islotes, where we swim and snorkel, and the interactions with fisheries.

We were rewarded grandly when the officers from the bridge announced a blow! We all opened our eyes wide trying to find the origin of such an unexpected opportunity, then after another blow, we could see a female Bryde's whale and her calf. We had a good view of the two animals when they surfaced close to the Sea Bird. After some minutes, they disappeared from our view then we continued on our way.

For the afternoon, we arrived at Encantada Beach on the west side of Isla San Jose, where we offered different lengths and times for our guided hikes inside the arroyo. It took us almost three hours to go up the canyon and back to the beach for the longest hikes, gaining more than 500 feet of elevation with great views to the north and west parts of the island.

We finished our day with a magnificent barbeque on the beach set up by Bill, our Hotel Manager, and the galley, followed by a bonfire and marshmallows with everyone having a taste of these delicious desserts.