Today the Sea Bird deviated from the main route of the Inside Passage along coastal British Columbia to explore a portion of Fjordlands Marine Park. Cruising through fjordlands is like sailing through California's Yosemite Valley had it been flooded by an arm of the sea. Towering cliffs rise abruptly from the shoreline, where bald eagles sit perched in the coastal rain forest. At the far end of Mussel Inlet we discovered a scenic bay with a tremendous waterfall. This was the perfect place for a Zodiac cruise. After the Zodiacs had taken a close look at the waterfall, one of the Zodiacs spotted a black bear in the meadow at the head of the bay. All four Zodiacs drifted silently, close to the shore, as the bear walked along the barnacle-encrusted rocks exposed by the low tide. Although the bear ignored our presence, it did stop and look up several times as if trying to figure out who we were. Even the Sea Bird drifted close enough to shore for us to capture this hadsome portrait. After about 30 minutes, the bear finally walked into the rain forest and disappeared from view.