Palouse River

If you were going to create a recipe for the perfect day it would include sunny skies and warmth suitable for basking in the sun; a pleasing coolness to the shade, the slightest of breezes on calm waters; a scenery so dramatically stark and stunning that utter silence would is the best way to appreciate its beauty. This was our morning on the Palouse River.

Harrier hawks flew nearby, barely skimming above the golden grasses. One came so near we could see its owl like facial disks. An osprey diligently scanned the river for a meal, initiating and then quickly aborting a dive towards the water. Ravens cavorted along the basaltic cliffs, appearing to tumble and amuse themselves in the updraft. A few mule deer stepped hesitantly through the grasses, heading uphill and away from the attention of a Zodiac full of admirers. A shimmering sliver of a waterfall spilled over a precarious edge, becoming a swirl of foam and ripples in the pool below.

These were simple pleasures, but to those that know how to enjoy and savor them, they were a rich experience. We savored the day, the wildlife and the scenery.