Coincidentalmente, nuestro grupo de "kayakers" descubri¢ un tibur¢n en el mar frente a la Isla Tiburon, en la parte media del Mar de Cortes.

[Appropriately, our kayak party discovers a shark in the waters of "Shark Island" in the central part of the Sea of Cortes.]

We began a week-long millennium cruise exploring the area near Punta Colorado on Isla Tibur¢n, the largest island in the gulf. Hikers enjoyed discoveries of plants not found on other gulf islands, including the saguaro and ocotillo, as well as lizards, sea turtle shells, pack rat nests, flycatchers and woodpeckers.

Kayakers found a dead Pacific hornshark, an animal reminiscent of the earliest sharks, that sports a spine in front of each of its two dorsal fins, as well as nesting ospreys and snowy egrets. Tidepoolers uncovered anemones, hermit crabs, serpent seastars and more. Birdwatchers enjoyed sightings of blue-footed boobies, red-billed tropic birds and eared grebes. The day's exploration was bookended by surreal hues of lavender, apricot, and rose at sunrise and sunset.