In late November 1805 the Lewis and Clark expedition finally reached the Pacific Ocean after 18 months of travel through essentially unrecorded country. "Oh, the Joy" wrote Captain Clark.

Soon harsh reality dampened (literally and figuratively) some of this enthusiasm. Wind and rain drove the explorers to seek a camping location away from the raw ocean. After some serious looking, a site was found on the south side of the Columbia River and inland from the coast.

By late December, Fort Clatsop was constructed and the party settled in for the long, cold, wet winter. Today the Sea Bird guests visited this site and found much dryer and warmer weather than the Lewis and Clark party experienced. We also looked over Astoria, Oregon and the mouth of the Columbia River. By mid-afternoon the wind had come up so we could experience a bit of the brutal conditions that greeted the explorers almost 200 years ago. Our journey is nearly ended - back to Portland in the morning and homeward bound.