In Meriwether Lewis' journal he reported having seen a "great abundance of the Argalia or Bighorned anamals in the high country". He was now in the heart of bighorn country and in days immediately ahead was fascinated, as observers have been ever since, by the incredible sure-footedness displayed by these graceful mountain creatures as they bounded from ledge to ledge on the sides of high and almost perpendicular precipices. " They are verry Suple and run verry fast," commented Private Whitehouse.

The guests of the Sea Bird may make note in their own journals of their spectacular sightings of this magnificent creature, the bighorn sheep. We too spotted a "great abundance". We were privileged to see at least 6 males with massive coiled horns, numerous ewes and even new born lambs frolicking along the precipitous cliffs.

Our guests enjoyed beautiful balmy spring weather as we traveled up the Snake River into Hells Canyon, the deepest gorge in North America.