Jost van Dyke, British Virgin Islands

After a full 24 hours actually under sail and a time today with even the royal sail on the main mast unfurled we spent the morning gently making our way to the British Virgin Islands. Berit Solstad, our Undersea Specialist, gave an overview of the marine coral ecosystem in preparation for some great snorkeling over the next two days.

We rolled into White Bay on Jost van Dyke, BVI marveling at the spectacular white sand beaches and clear blue water. It was the picture of a Caribbean scene. Most of us set ourselves straight to the task of snorkeling around in the water seeing what we could see. We were rewarded with a great variety of tropical fishes and some examples of coral.

Some of us more hearty souls opted for a brisk hike over to Great Bay, with Helen the Wellness Specialist, to sample the rum at the famous Foxy’s. We all agreed that you can’t be more well than that! Great Bay has a distinctive quality that rewarded the hikers with a greater sense of what the island has to offer. The rest of the afternoon was spent swimming, snorkeling and just relaxing. Ahhh, limin’ on the beach in the British Virgin Islands. Is this the life or what?

Evening greeted us with a fabulous BBQ on the Lido deck and an extra special treat! The Sea Cloud II Shanty Gang, a group of the crew members, led us all in a few sea shanties to truly put us in the island mood. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.