Tea Time at Sea

It is 15:55. Teatime begins at 16:00 each day on board the luxurious Sea Cloud II and I am already on the stairs leading to the Lido Deck, beckoned by the smell of fresh waffles still on the iron. When Jan the baker joins teatime with his hot waffles and ice cream—I attend. I suppose the irony in the situation is that I am the Wellness Specialist on board, purveyor of all things healthy, and some people might think that I would discriminate against the waffles. Especially those with ice cream, fresh berries, and whipped cream. But for one hour each week, I am just another Joe or Jane waiting in line for her waffle fix.

Actually, I have a plan to counteract the negative effects one would associate with waffles. My plan is green tea. Never fear, I will share my plan with the other guests, as well. I’ve even coerced the waiters into passing out beautifully presented iced black, green, and white teas for everyone’s enjoyment. As we take pleasure in our waffles, I’ll discuss how green and white tea actually break down fats and how this eases the digestion of heavy foods. The fermentation process of each tea will also be distinguished, making good old black tea a little less appealing than green or the new, hardly treated white teas. And while the Japanese drink the green tea to help offset the fatty effects of tempura (batter fried vegetables or meat), today we will drink green tea to completely dispel all negative side effects of the delectably delicious waffles.