
At sunrise we were entering the well-protected bay of Katapola on the island of Amorgos. Small white houses all around, fishermen’s boats, and everything was very quiet. After breakfast our tenders took us ashore and our buses were waiting to take us across the island. Amorgos is very mountainous and very rocky. You can very easily wonder “Why did we come here? What is there to see?” Amorgos is not a fancy cosmopolitan island, but it has many hidden beauties to reveal to you!

Both buses started an uphill drive towards the main town, the “chora”. But we didn’t stop there. The visit of the chora could wait for the end. We continued towards the eastern coast of the island where one sees suddenly the steep rocks of the mountains to reach the surface of the sea. A very unfriendly coast for sailors, but with majestic views. And as the bus continued on its way, a white construction appeared towards the rocks: a monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary. What a place! The first group went up the 300 steps and more to visit this old monastery of the 11th century. When you reach the entrance of this unusual construction, you realize how narrow the passage is . . . one at a time. A few more steps before you see the 9th century icon of the Virgin Mary. The monks are welcoming every visitor by offering a little glass of the typical Amorgos “rakomelo”. Raki with honey!

The second group did not hike all the way up, but they had the opportunity to admire the great views and take some special pictures. Then everybody headed to the chora. The main town is an example of a totally unspoiled island town. Every corner of it is an authentic Cycladic picture. This is its beauty. A paradise for photographers. Many cats – all different colors – were posing at the walls, chairs and yards of the houses. A couple of cafes and a couple of shops gave us the opportunity to experience the rhythm of life of the locals. You sit down and you order a coffee or a local sweet, and within the hour you would meet everybody who lives there and you would hear all the news of the day!

Later the buses drove us back to the small port and we set sail to Santorini. The wind was again blowing in the right direction and we sailed to the caldera in time to enjoy the beautiful and famous sunset. What a way to complete another day of exploration of the Aegean islands!