Kythnos, Greece and a Day at Sea

Our last day aboard Sea Cloud began in a very leisurely way. As many of us strolled out of our cabins for a slightly later breakfast, our ship was already anchoring along the shores of Kythnos Island, in the northwest section of the Cyclades.

As this was an impossibly calm day, we ventured ashore by Zodiac and spent the morning on a lovely causeway of sand. Two rounded bays were on either side of our resting spot, each offering cool, clear water, perfect for wading or swimming. A few hardy souls arrived to the beach early, followed an hour or so later by a larger contingent of late-rising water-goers. There were several small fish in the shallow water, including small (but numerous!) flounder, who seemed incredibly curious about the interlopers in their sandy home. After enjoying a morning at leisure, we returned to Sea Cloud for another incredible lunch on deck.

The afternoon brought unfurled sails, but absolutely no wind. The busy and efficient deck crew took this opportunity to continue the never-ending task of ship maintenance. Many crew members were scattered throughout the riggings, painting and repairing the hundreds of pieces of equipment needed to run a square-rigger.

National Geographic expert Bob Hohlfelder entertained us with stories of the fabled city of Atlantis. Was it real or only a very colorful myth? Bob left us with intriguing theories to ponder as we prepared to spend the remainder of the afternoon immersed in the business of readying our suitcases for departure.

Our last evening aboard Sea Cloud ended in a fitting way. Our beautiful ship anchored just below the Temple of Poseidon, at Cape Sounion. A mostly-full, bright red moon rose shortly after dinner, adding more drama to the already-impressive lights on the temple above us. It seems impossible that our adventure has come to an end. We’ve had a fascinating glimpse into the people, civilizations, and evolutions of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea. Leaving here, we will take with us memories and photos (perhaps even a few friendships!) which will last beyond the borders of this mysterious sea.