
This 1st day of our sail up the Dalmatian coastline was a laid back and easygoing experience. The beauty of our yacht, the Sea Cloud attracted many curious navigators to come closer and admire it. It was a cloudy morning, but there was just enough wind for the sails, which made the sailing towards Hvar Island even more pleasant.

After the Expedition staff introduction and Grace Fielder’s interesting and concise talk on the fall of Yugoslavia, lunch was served in the Lido lounge. It was an opportunity to taste excellent fish from Dubrovnik´s open market – everyone’s first choice.

In the afternoon hours we went to visit Hvar town, first with the local guides and then on our own – by the time the tour was done, the light improved as the sun came out in between the clouds. The photography enthusiasts among us found it perfect to get a few close-ups of numerous hidden details in Hvar’s narrow, limestone paved streets. Many others enjoyed being outdoors by strolling up and down the town’s promenade, shopping for lavender and souvenirs or by climbing up to the medieval fortress for the rewarding panoramic view over the port and the Hell Islands archipelago surrounding the bay.

The whole day was rounded up with Captain Pushkarev’s welcome drinks and a rich dinner. The dining room was buzzing with live chatter and flowing conversation, comparing the impressions of the day behind us.

The charm of the Sea Cloud seems to have found its way to us quickly - embracing the ease and grace of it is in the air and we could not help but look forward to what is to come.