The sounds and sights of Alaska’s summertime marine mammal guest, the humpback whale, awakened us. And what an awakening it was. With the backdrop of western hemlock on the shores of Baranof Island and the inlet of Red Bluff Bay beckoning, the humpbacks graced us with their morning meal activity. As we watched in awe, they lunge fed, spyhopped, breached and fluked in waters as still as the conversation on deck. One humpback in the group drew particular attention due to its distinctive light coloring. As our observation continued it was speculated that this juvenile was afflicted with some parasitic infection. With its light coloring and scaly appearance it became affectionately known as “Crusty”. Even though we were unable to capture Crusty on film, we were happy to photograph one of his feeding companions. After awhile we tore ourselves away to enjoy our own form of morning feeding, only to return to the deck for the calm and serene waters of Red Bluff Bay.