
The peaceful town of Loreto was our afternoon’s destination. Walking around town it is hard to believe that this quiet fishing community was the economic and political center for the entire Peninsula. Loreto was the capital of the Peninsula for 132 years, from 1697 when the missionaries chose Loreto as the site of the first mission to 1829 when a hurricane destroyed the town.

The mission was not always as beautiful as it looked today. In 1822 when the last of the local Indian population died the mission in Loreto was closed. The mission, which had taken over 50 years to build, started to deteriorate. In 1877 an earthquake caused the entire tower to collapse, leaving the mission in rubble. In 1940, Padre Sanchez took it upon himself to restore the mission church and buildings to their original state.

Today we had time to stroll around town, looking at the numerous shops that line the streets, spending time touring the old mission, and visiting the local heladeria (ice cream shop). We could choose flavors from several homemade ice creams, or take a poletta (frozen fruit popsicle). What a great afternoon treat. We returned to the Sea Lion for cocktails and dinner, waiting for our next adventure in the Sea of Cortez.