Carmen and Danzante Islands

Our day began on the foredeck of the Sea Lion as the sun chose to peek over the horizon at exactly 7:08 AM. All early risers were treated to a spectacular green flash as the first rays of light came to us in iridescent green waves! Loud applause and cheerful shouts soon had most everybody else on deck as well! An auspicious beginning to our day of scheduled searching for whales and other sea life in the calm waters surrounding Carmen and Danzante Islands, here in the Gulf of California.

A blow is sighted by the bridge near the island of Danzante. A humpback whale is identified at distance, but with whale appointments to keep, soon leaves us in its wake. As we circle Carmen Island a large pod of long-beaked common dolphins charge towards the boat, eager to ride the pressure wave thrown out by the bow of the Sea Lion. Soon the entire pod is leaping and cavorting in front of and alongside the ship. We can actually hear the clicks and whistles of the excited dolphins as they surround our vessel. For a time it seems that we are actually part of the pod as we are literally surrounded by dolphins! A quick drop of the hydrophone and the amplified whistles fill the air on deck. In the glass-flat waters even more small pods are sighted in the distance, all headed our way! With perfect light, flat water, and the beauty of Carmen Island as a backdrop, we spend the morning in the presence of these magnificent animals!

For most of us our afternoon is spent kayaking the placid waters of Arroyo Blanco on Carmen Island, topped off with a hike up the arroyo to showcase the desert flora and fauna of the island. Recent rains have brought life-giving fresh water to this desert island and the cardon cactus reflect this bounty as they are swollen to near bursting with it. As the sun drops to the horizon we return to the Sea Lion and are treated to manta rays circling around the bow in the crimson tinted waters brought to us in the last rays of sunlight. Our last night aboard ship ends as our first night began a week ago; in the presence of friends, family, and fellow adventurers all basking in the magic of this enchanted peninsula called Baja.