Isla Espiritu Santo

We awoke refreshed at Punta Dispensa on the southwestern side of Espiritu Santo. As the Zodiacs pulled ashore, many things indicated that we were going to have yet another incredible and special day. The tranquil blue-green water was an inviting sign to all those who wanted to swim at the sand-bottom beach while the peaks of the far-off ridges called to those who wanted to get another spectacular aerial view.

While everyone gathered on the shore, we investigated the many items that had been washed up on the coastline including dolphin bones, the ecto-skeletal remains of a balloon-fish and an old sail boat that landed here courtesy of a long-gone hurricane.

As several people decided to take advantage of the remote beach locale to relax or go for a leisurely stroll, another hearty group decided to climb to a ridge-top, stopping along the way to try and identify the flora and fauna including the endemic black jack-rabbit, juancito (ground squirrel) and Wilcoxia cacti. The climb quickly turned into a rock-scrambling adventure, but the view from the top made every tumbling rock well worth the effort. Once everyone made it safely back to the beach, several of the newly crowned mountaineers cooled off in the warm crystalline waters.

After a traditional Mexican lunch of pozole, Captain Graves navigated the ship toward the capital city of Baja California Sur – La Paz - to observe the Christmas lights along the Malecón, a waterfront area which is populated with local shops and tradesmen. Strolling through the streets of this picturesque place, laughter, music and the sounds of wedding bells filled the streets. All this makes it pretty easy to see why this place literally translates into “The Peace.” To end yet another perfect day, we all got the opportunity to taste some of the most delicious ice cream in the world at Neveria La Fuente.

As the Sea Lion quietly pulled out of port, we reflected on the day’s events and recognized that everything from the food to the fauna to the festivities serve as a wonderful reminder as to why this place is so exceptional.