Columbia River Gorge

Sunrise found us on the eastern edge of the Cascade Mountains. The basalt cliffs stood starkly above the edge of the river. The air reflected the chill of late autumn. We were prepared for a day of adventure. Motor coaches transported us to the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center, where we absorbed the fine exhibits of what we were to view through the day.

Traveling west on the Historic Highway we witnessed the transition from to desert to mixed oak and conifer forest. We walked a portion of the highway that has been restored for recreational foot and bicycle travel. We reveled in the colored leaves and clear air vistas both up and down the river.

After cruising into the middle gorge at Cascade Locks, we moored the Sea Lion once more, and traveled by motor coach to Multnomah Falls. This highest waterfall in Oregon allowed us to stretch our legs and stand on the bridge at its base.

These pictures and the day’s adventures are really a bridge in themselves. The Historic Highway which we traveled bridges the wet western gorge with the dry rimrocks to the east. They are very different lands in some respects, but their rugged beauty gives us a sense of appreciation that includes them both.