Columbia River Gorge

If it is late September and the temperature is seventy degrees and the sky is blue with a few fluffy clouds, it is the perfect time to go for a walk. Today, that walk took us on the Historic Columbia River Highway between Mosier and Hood River. Built between 1913 and 1922, this road was the first way to get from west to east without wallowing in mud.  After falling into disuse it has been restored and is now a recreational gem.

It is a busy day, complete with a visit to the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center, traveling through the spectacular vistas of the road to Rowena Crest, taking the above mentioned walk, and returning to the Sea Lion for an all-afternoon cruise through the Gorge.

A delay at Bonneville dam, waiting for a sailboat to pass through the locks ahead of us, caused some anxiety about our arrival at Multnomah Falls before sundown, but with time to spare we soaked up the sharp shadowy contrast of the view.

Sometimes, in spite of some minor aggravations, a day can turn out to be just right.  Today has been. In years to come, when our guests look at pictures that they took today, they will remember a delightful time.