The Snake & Clearwater Rivers

Clear blue skies over steep canyon walls and a crisp fall breeze at daybreak this morning were the first hints of the exciting day to come. Our group divided today to explore two different rivers- about half the group opted for a wild whitewater experience in a jet boat up the Hell’s Canyon of the Snake River while the other half joined local historian Lin Laughy to walk where Meriwether Lewis and William Clark walked while they were here in Nez Perce country 202 years ago this month.

Eric, our able captain, skillfully piloted the jetboat through the rapids while he shared stories of the early settlers and miners of the area. Just a few miles up the river, a herd of about twenty Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep were spotted and we stopped for photos and some excellent wildlife viewing. These striking animals have made a good comeback after being nearly wiped out by disease and then re-introduced here. Further up the river, we enjoyed a welcome stop in the orchard at Cache Creek Ranch for coffee and a leg stretch before continuing up into the narrowing reaches of Hell’s Canyon recreational area. The perfect weather, dramatic scenery and high narrow canyon walls combined with the swift water and rapids made for a wonderful day.

On the Clearwater River adventure, one of the sites our group visited was canoe camp, where the weary and ill Corps of Discovery chipped and burned their dugout canoes from ponderosa pine logs, while contemplating a swift trip down the Clearwater, Snake and Columbia rivers to the Pacific Ocean before the onset of winter. Lin Laughy’s passion for the Corps and years of personal research bring the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition to life in a way that few people can. The full day’s journey included a number of historic sites, with the visits crafted by Lin to bring a sense of the Corps’ meetings with the Nez Perce people, ideas of the time and the dilemmas they were facing.

Both groups joined at the close of the day at Nez Perce Historical Park for a look at the exquisite Spaulding collection and a lovely sunset over the hills above the Clearwater River.