A special day continuing our voyage down the Columbia River on our way to the community of Astoria and the mouth of the Columbia, the end of Lewis and Clarks' westward journey. Today we visited the Mary Hill Museum, situated on a hilltop overlooking the Columbia River. From this vantage point in Washington State, Sam Hill built an isolated mansion, which has become the center for an unusual and ecclectic collection of art and history. This museum houses one of the finest collections of Native American baskets and artifacts in the Pacific Northwest and in the nation.

In the basement of this large stone mansion there is a massive collection on Indian history. From ancient dentilia, or shell bridal veils festooned with chinese coins and old thimbles to 100-year-old baskets, one finds a wonderfully displayed collection, including old photographs of people and their homes. The exhibit provides a look into the Native American people who once inhabited this enormous river system.