There are hundreds of petroglyphs to be found within the basin of the Columbia River. Many of them have been accurately dated, while there are others that are of an indeterminate age. This beautiful elk is found near Horsethief State Park not far above the river. The artist took the time to detail the animal with its fine rack of antlers. Could this represent a wish for a successful hunt or the pride of the hunter and his prize? The author chose this spot along the river where passersby would surely see his work. We can only speculate as to the motive for the work, but as travelers we pause at this site, wonder at its age and the creator, marvel at the lasting image and then continue on our way. The river carries us on. Our liquid path leaves no trail but we traverse an old route. There is a tie with those who came before us. We pass the same place, separated by time yet connected by an image on stone at the edge of a river.
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