Isla Partida Norte and Isla Rasa

Early risers were treated to a special show this morning as we watched mobular rays leaping above the waterline. Although scientists are not completely certain why they do this, everyone on the deck agreed that it was certainly a great sign for what would follow.

After breakfast, we set off in Zodiacs to Isla Partida Norte for several different activities. This wonderful island offers some of the best hiking, kayaking, and snorkeling that Baja has to offer. While some set out to hike up a beautiful arroyo with our naturalists Adrian and Carlos, others chose to stay closer to the water and paddling out to inspect many hidden coves and inlets. A smaller group of about eight set out with Vicky, our dive master, for the first scuba dive of the day. Late in the morning, we regrouped in a wonderful private cove to snorkel in a series of hidden caves while the young at heart held a highly-competitive rock throwing competition.

After lunch, several of the group headed off to make the third dive of the day while others returned to the hidden snorkeling caves. Back on board the ship, Carlos took to the water in hopes of getting ‘up close’ with one of the Sperm Whales that had come near to the Sea Voyager. As the picture shows, and as Carlos shared with us later this evening at Recap, he estimated that he was only a few feet away from this beautiful forty-five foot female whale.

This evening, the Young Explorers enjoyed special children’s dinner put on by Hotel Manager Erasmo Estripeaut and Captain Jorge Pinzon. After dinner, Captain Jorge joined the youth in the lounge for a lesson on knot-tying and ice cream sundaes. Even if the children didn’t learn how to tie all the knots, they did know how to finish off their sundaes!