Isla Cerralvo and cruising at sea

Today was the last day of our incredible adventure through the Sea of Cortes, where the desert meets the sea. We have seen so much, sperm whales, common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, Bryde’s whale, fish galore and those adorable pinto chuckwallas. This morning was no different, as we began our day with nature walks up some arroyos on the south-east corner of Isla Cerralvo and then jumped in the turquoise waters to cool off. We did not expect, perhaps, for the waters to be so full of tropical fish, or for the visibility to be so fantastic. Indeed this may have been the best snorkeling stop of the whole week!

We came back aboard for lunch and then began sailing further south, headed towards Cabo San Lucas. Along the way we encountered a huge pod of dolphins, both spinner dolphins and pan-tropical spotted dolphins cavorting together all around the ship. We decided to lower the Zodiacs and get an up close look at these delightful creatures. What an experience! We drove around in Zodiacs as dolphins jumped all around us.

Later in the afternoon we made a final stop at Punta Pescadero, for a final snorkel, a last chance to dip into 85 degree waters. An incredible adventure was winding down, and we had a chance to reflect on this remarkable place, Baja California, truly where the stark beauty of the desert meets the rich abundance of the Sea.