The Northern Reaches of the Gulf of California, Mexico

Few times do we have the opportunity of traveling this far north into the Gulf of Califonia (Sea of Cortez), and hiking on Tiburon Island, the largest island of Mexico (1208 sq. kilometers). Today we were able to meet the small group of natives that live on the mainland of Mexico on side of the Gulf of Califonia, the Seri People. They have their own language, and are quite separated from the mainland stream of Mexican culture.

During the morning we were guided by a group of lovely Seri along a dry wash into this huge island, once the home to these people. We learned the names and uses of many of the plants there, which ones were sacred or magical to them, and the use of reddish clay, which is mixed with water and applied to the face. These young guides tell us about the use of the ironwood tree and how it is really sustainable.

Back on the ship we had lunch and guests, and we moved the ship nearer to their actual home, El Desemboque, on the inner channel of El Infiernillo (the small Hell), where we landed and enjoyed a really marvelous reception by the whole town, led by the elders and governors of the town . Then we walked to a shaded area where they had prepared a showing of their handicrafts, consisting of necklaces, dolls, ironwood carvings, beautiful rock carvings and the renowned baskets, which are famous even in Europe, with lovely designs in colors on them, consisting mostly of butterflies! The day thus ended, by a recapitulation on board, and dinner.