Port Corinto and City of Leon

The city of Leon was founded in 1524 by the conquistador of Nicaragua, Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba. In that same year, Hernandez de Cordoba also founded the city of Granada in the southern part of the country. Although Leon was declared by the Spanish crown a provincial capital, Granada became the economic centre of Nicaragua, due to its privileged location. It was inevitable that in time the two cities would start to quarrel about almost everything. This rivalry between Leon and Granada was responsible for much of the political violence which has distinguished Nicaragua throughout the years. But this same rivalry is also to be credited for having stimulated the creative energy of the Nicaraguans.

Today, the Nicas boast of being one of the countries in the world with the most poets per square mile. Also both cities have tried to enhance their looks with beautiful churches and homes. This is precisely what we enjoyed seeing today.

Around 8:00 A.M. we departed from the port of Corinto and arrived in Leon in time to see the centuries old mestizo dance of the “gigantonas” (enormous puppets representing Spanish ladies and escorted by another puppet: the “enano cabezon” a macrocephalic midget representing the Spanish men). We enjoyed local cacao drinks at a café and then we climbed up to the roof of the cathedral where we had access to a spectacular view of the town and its churches. Then we went into the church which is the largest cathedral in Central America, and walked amidst the many tombs of “Leonense” intellectuals and poets… the most remarkable one being Ruben Dario (father of modern Spanish poetry).

From the cathedral we proceeded into the city’s market where we saw the beauty of the simplicity of life. Lunch was served at noon in an old convent turned into a hotel. Across the street from “El Convento Hotel” is Central America’s largest collection of art both from Latin America and Europe. The collection is displayed in two colonial mansions and is owned by the Ortiz Gurdian family.

It was a wonderful way of ending our visit to a city proud of being the artistic capital of Nicaragua.