Islas Murcielagos and Bahia Huevo

A relaxing, yet exciting day all round. Early morning found us approaching the islands under blue skies, a gentle wind in our faces, and spotted dolphins riding the bow. Shortly after breakfast we disembarked on a sandy beach ready for the water and hills around us. Some chose a vigorous hike up the steep slopes for an impressive view of the outer coast of the principal island in the group, known as the “bat islands,” or “Islas Murcielagos” in Spanish. Waves crashed on the outer shore while inside was calm enough for swimming, snorkeling and kayaking. Sunny skies touched sensitive skin and how we did enjoy it! The entire morning was dedicated to the sea and sand.

Leaving the islands just before lunch brought in the dolphins once more for some bow and wake riding, much to our enjoyment, and the occasional marine turtle and sea snake made brief appearances as well. Brown boobies, magnificent frigatebirds rode the updrafts around the ship as we sailed south to meet the Costa Rican immigration officials off of Playa Cocos. But that was just a quick stop, as we continued on our way after our passports were stamped into the country. What was totally unexpected was the appearance of a female humpback with calf. We stayed a good hour with these two, and were rewarded with some very close encounters by the youngster, seemingly curious about this small ship which was hanging about.

We finally made it into Bahia Huevo where we set out to explore the small mangrove-lined river as the afternoon closed in. Kingfishers, parrots, herons, shorebirds, white-faced capuchin monkeys and the sounds of howler monkeys closed the day for us right before a major thunderstorm took over the area in a final light display during recap hour on board. What a welcome into Costa Rica!